Ife J. Rodney
board-certified dermatologist and dermapathologist, founding director of Eternal Dermatology in Maryland.
Exactly How to Choose an Acne-Friendly Cleanser to Fight Every Type of Breakout, According to Derms
When it comes to finding an acne cleanser, there are a lot of different options. We consulted the pros to find out which is the best for every breakout.

A Dermatologist Ranks Her Top 5 Favorite Mario Badescu Products
Dermatologist Ife Rodney, MD ranks the top 5 best Mario Badescu products that she recommends for various skin concerns. Here are her picks.

‘I’m a Dermatologist, and These Are the 8 Main Reasons Your Acne Is Getting Worse Instead of Better’
You have a regimen. You think you're on a good path to getting your acne under control... and then it starts getting worse. Learn why.

Here’s How To Tell Whether It’s Psoriasis or Eczema Causing Your Dry, Itchy Skin
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Um, Why Are My Nipples So Itchy Right Now? What To Know About Nipple Eczema
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