Judy Ho
triple board-certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist
6 Ways To Practice Positive Self-Talk Without Feeling Like You’re Straight-Up Lying to Yourself
Positive self-talk is treating and speaking to yourself with love, grace, compassion, and kindness. It is not pretending to always be happy.

10 Ways To Regulate Your Nervous System, According to Brain and Behavior Experts
We asked brain experts to explain how high stress can impact our nervous system and to provide easy ways to regulate your nervous system.

Why We Hold Fear and Anxiety in Our Chest and Shoulders—And 5 Ways To Release It
Fear and anxiety can show up in your body with tightness and soreness in your chest and shoulders. Here's why and how to release it.

How Submerging Your Face in a Bowl of Ice Water Helps Calm Anxiety in Seconds
Submerging your face in ice water is a random, albeit refreshing, hack to relieve anxiety by activating the body’s mammalian diving reflex. Here’ s how it works.

Dark Empaths Merge Empathy With Manipulations—And That Spells Big Trouble
How rare are dark empaths? See how to avoid manipulative personality traits and how to know if you are a dark empath, according to experts.