Lily Talakoub
board-certified dermatologist in Virginia
Acne at 40 Happens (and Is Totally Normal)—Here’s What To Do About It
Adult acne at 40 happens (and is totally normal). Inside, we talk to board-certified dermatologists about the causes and how to treat it.

Dear Derm: Why Do Recurring Zits in the Same Spots Happen?
Ever get recurring zits in the same spots? This is why a dermatologist says that's a common occurence and here's what you can do about it.

3 Face Washing Tricks We Should All Be Stealing from French Women
A new survey shows that 44 percent of people are *still* washing their faces the wrong way. Steal these French face wash tips to nail the ritual.

‘I’m a Dermatologist and a Mom of 3, and This Is *Exactly* What I Did To Manage My Postpartum Hair Loss’
To manage her postpartum hair-loss, board-certified dermatologist and mother of three Lily Talakoub, MD, relied on two supplements.

The Hair-Growth Supplement a Derm Used To Reverse Her Postpartum Hair Loss Is 40% Off
A dermatologist used Viviscal to kickstart growth after experiencing postpartum hair loss. Get it for $58 during the Prime Early Access Sale.