Maggie Mistal
certified life purpose and career coach
99 Things To Do After a Breakup That Are Actually Healthy and Healing, According to a Long List of Wellness Experts
Can't figure out what to do after a breakup left you reeling? Discover what experts from across the wellness world suggest in this list.

5 Tips for Creating a Thriving Business With Your Best Friend
Starting a business with a friend? Here, a pair of successful co-founders share their five key tips to creating a thriving career, together.

‘Servant Leaders’ Are the Bosses We All Need Right Now: Here’s How To Become One
'Servant leaders' are bosses who actively diminish the stress levels of their direct reports and increase employee engagement. Here's how to be one.

Type A Versus Type B Personalities: The Key Wins (and Challenges) for Each
Curious about what defines a type A versus type B personality? We unpack common patterns, like how each deals with stress, work, and play.

Quitting Your New Job Is Not the Career Killer It Once Was
Quitting your job is not the career killer it once was. Here’s how to leave your job without burning any bridges within the workplace