Maxine Goynes
trainer and founder of MG Method
5 Resistance Band Leg Workouts That’ll Burn Out Your Lower Body in 30 Minutes or Less
We're rounding up 5 of our favorite resistance band leg workouts, courtesy of our Trainers of the Month—none of which takes more than 30 minutes to do.

Work Every Muscle in 20 Minutes With Nothing But a Resistance Band
Short on time? Try this 20-minute resistance band workout that will give you a healthy dose of cardio and strength-training, *and* improve your balance.

Feel the Burn Like Never Before With This 25-Minute Upper Body Circuit
If arm day tends to be boring, try this 25-minute upper body workout. The unique and challenging combinations add some excitement back into the mix.

This Combination of Workouts Activates All the Right Muscles for Better Posture
This is the best combination of workouts for better posture that strengthen your back and core. Lengthen and strengthen to restore your good form.

This 25-Minute Lower-Body Resistance Band Workout Hits Every Hard-To-Reach Muscle
Need a challenge? Try this lower-body resistance band workout from Maxine Goynes of MG Method. You'll definitely hit those hard-to-reach muscles.