Michael Roizen
Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic
Stress Management Is About More Than Relaxation—It Changes Your Body on a Cellular Level
The benefits of stress management go far beyond your mood. Managing your stress changes which of your genes are active and inactive.

New Research Says 150 Years Is the Likeliest Longest Lifespan for Humans—Here Are 8 Top Tips for Staying Healthy As You Age
New research shows that the longest possible lifespan of a human is 150 years old. Here's what you can do to increase health span.

Here’s Why Maintaining Your Balancing Skills as You Age Is Tied to Longevity
According to research, balance and longevity are connected because of the ways in which good balance prevents falls and activates the brain.

4 Key Reasons Why Maintaining Mobility As You Age Can Boost Your Longevity
Experts and research agree: Maintaining mobility as you age can boost your longevity and quality of life. Here's how

The One-Second Mobility Challenge You Can (and Should) Do Throughout Your Day
The sit-to-stand exercise refers to standing from a seated position without using your hands, and it's both a mobility test and booster.