Natalie Moore
5 Science-Backed Tips for Being Single and Happy—Even if You *Really* Want a Partner
Not sure how to be happy single? Here's how to embrace healthy relationships and live the best life possible, according to experts.
Uh…My Partner Reminds Me of My Parent—What Should I Make of That?
It's common to have the sudden realization that "my partner reminds me of my parent," but what does it mean? Experts share answers here.
8 Things to Do in the Moment if You Feel Overwhelmed by the News Cycle
Discover tips from mental health experts on how to calm news anxiety when you're feeling overwhelmed by stressful events.
5 Ways to Stop Being a People-Pleaser and Set Healthy Boundaries
Learning how to stop being a people-pleaser is easier said than done. Read expert tips to set boundaries and learn healthy self-talk here.
A Whopping 77% of Us Have Election Anxiety, a New Mental Health Survey Says
Project Healthy Minds released World Mental Health Day survey results citing the top stressors Americans face, including election anxiety.