Paris Lalicata
plant education coordinator at The Sill
Canopy Teamed Up With the Sill To Bring the Great Outdoors Into Our Homes in a Whole New Way
The Canopy The Sill collaboration is bringing plant-scented humidifiers that will instantly transport you into nature.

How To Keep Your Plants Alive During a Heat Wave
Paris Lalicata, plant education coordinator at The Sill, explains how to care for outdoor plants in an intense heat wave.

How To Get Rid of Bugs on Indoor Houseplants and Keep Them Gone
Plant pests can be a pain. Discover natural remedies, insecticidal soaps, and prevention tips to keep your indoor greenery bug-free.

Pothos vs. Philodendron: Which Plant Is the Better Choice for You?
Learn about the differences between pothos and Philodendron plants, plus what makes the two indoor plants similar.

This Checklist for Bringing Home a New Plant Ensures It’ll Thrive Under Your Care
Learn more about what you’ll need for your new plant, plus helpful dos and don’ts to ensure your leafy beauty thrives.