Patti Wood
body language expert
Are Toddlers Doing Downward Dog Pregnancy-Predicting Witches? Here’s a Body-Language Expert’s Take
The lore of pregnancy wives tales say that when a baby does downward dog, they may be predicting a younger sibling.

Welp, We’ve Been Interpreting This Common Body Language Sign All Wrong
Interpreting someone’s folded arms requires understanding the context and other non-verbal cues. Learn more about folded arms.

7 Greek Words For Love That Will Have You Rethinking Your Relationships
You'll want to memorize these 7 ancient Greek words for love. See how to express romantic love (Eros), friendship love (Philia), and more.

‘I’m a Human Behavior Expert, and Here’s What I Think About Amazon Halo’s Attempt To Read Your Emotions’
A human behavior expert says it's not entirely terrifying that Amazon Halo wants to listen to your voice in an attempt to read your emotional state.

Forget Body Language Cues in Quarantine? Here Are the Most Telling Ones To Remember for Gatherings
A body-language expert shares the common body language cues that may be worth brushing up on if you're returning to socializing.