Raman Malhotra
board-certified doctor of sleep medicine and neurology, member of the board of directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)
This Is Exactly What Happens to Your Body (and Your Mental Health) When It’s Too Hot To Sleep
Sleep doctors say the best sleep temperature may feel a bit chilly, but is key for keeping your brain functioning properly.

I Tried a Week of Mid-Day Naps in my Bed—Here’s What Happened
Napping at work in the early afternoon can up your alertness and boost your productivity—here's how to do it so that you don't wind up groggy.

The U.S. Army’s New Strategy for Success Includes ‘Aggressive Napping’—And Yours Should, Too
A new manual from the United States Army details nap recommendations to ensure soldiers get seven to nine hours of sleep every day.

The Simple Solution to Languishing Is Rewarding Yourself Throughout the Day—Here Are 9 Ways To Do It
Rewarding yourself throughout the day can help you overcome feelings of languishing. Here's how to reward yourself and why you deserve it.