Reuben Chen
board-certified physician specializing in sports medicine and pain management
‘I’m a Pain-Management Specialist, and Here’s What Pain Tolerance Really Means’
A pain-management physician explains what "pain tolerance" really means, how it's measured, and the individual factors that play into it.

‘I’m a Board-Certified MD, and These Are the 4 Mood-Boosting Sources of Protein I Recommend Eating for Extra Pep’
A board-certified doctor shares the top mood-boosting foods packed with protein that can help fight the effects of seasonal depression.

Can Drinking Ginger Ale *Actually* Help You Feel Less Nauseated?
Ginger ale has long been used as a remedy for nausea, but does it really help? Discover the potential benefits.

The Common Reasons Why You May Want To Avoid Consuming Ginger
While ginger offers numerous health benefits, there are situations where caution is advised. Learn when not to take ginger and why.

4 Easy Steps for Establishing a Morning Routine That Centers Healthy Aging, According to a Longevity Doctor
Discover a doctor’s easy four-step longevity-boosting morning routine for healthy aging and stepping the day up for success.