Robin Foroutan
certified integrative medicine dietitian, nutritionist, and certified holistic health coach. She is also a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
5 Benefits of Berberine, Including Why It’s a Healthy Gut All-Star
An integrative dietitian lists the benefits of berberine, explaining what it is, how to consume it, and any risks or side effects to be aware of.

Meet Buzz Lite, the First Coffee With a Microdose of Caffeine
Buzz Lite coffee has 10 percent the caffeine as a normal cup of Joe. But can microdosing caffeine work? Here's what a dietitian thinks.

‘I’m a Chef, and if You’re Not Putting Hot Sauce in Your Coffee, You’re Missing Out on Major Flavor (and Health Benefits)’
A chef explains why she likes putting hot sauce in coffee and gives tips on how to get it exactly right, including her simple recipe.