Rochelle Gapere
Happiness coach, author of One Happy Thought at a Time: 30 Days to a Happier You
3 Happiness-Boosting Products That Happiness Experts Personally Use Every Day
We could stand to learn a thing or two from happiness experts. Here, learn about three happiness-boosting products the pros swear by.

I’m a Happiness Expert, and This Is My Pre-Bedtime Routine To End Days on a High Note
Your mood can affect your sleep quality and quantity. So, here are eight tips to copy the bedtime routine routine happiness experts.

Here’s What Happened to My Mood When I Danced for 10 Minutes Every Morning for a Month
Dancing in the morning can be a great addition to your well-being practices. Here, learn what happened when a writer tried that for a month.

Understanding the Difference Between Joy and Happiness Can Help You Access More of Each
Understanding the difference between joy and happiness can be beneficial to your well-being. Read what two experts say the difference is.