Sabrina Romanoff
licensed clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University
21 Reasons To Break Up With Someone Even if You Still Have Love for Them
The common reasons to break up with someone include having cyclical arguments, growing apart, and feeling like you can't be yourself.

Here’s How To Test if You’re a Type A Personality
Taking this quick type A personality test can help you determine if you posesses these traits and then learn how to manage them optimally.

The Top Tip for Living Harmoniously With *Any* Personality Type—Whether Type A, B, C, or D
A clinical psychologist shares her top tip for living harmoniously with someone who has a Type A, B, C, or D personality.

Here’s What Happened to My Sleep When I Tried the ‘Chunking Method’ for a Month To Limit My News Consumption
Here's what happened to my sleep quality when I applied the chunking method to my nighttime news consumption habit for a month.

Why You Prefer To Rewatch the Same TV Shows and Movies Instead of New Material
Ever wonder why you like to rewatch the same TV shows and movies? Here, psychologists break down the idea of the comfort watch.