Sophia Gushee
non-toxic living expert and founder of Ruan Living
Is Burning Candles and Incense Bad for Your Health?
Experts clear the air on whether incense, candles, and other types of smoke are dangerous for your lungs. You might not like the answer.

8 Natural Air Purifier Hacks, Because We Can’t All Afford Fancy Machines in Every Room
Can't afford fancy machines to clean your home's air? These natural air purifier tips from clean-living experts will help.

A Home Detox Expert ‘Audited’ My Place—And These Are the Changes I Made
Home detox expert Sophia Ruan Gushee gives advice on removing hazardous chemicals and other potential toxic items from the typical home.

Even If You Can’t Take a Real Vacation, There’s Good Reason To Take a ‘Device Vacation’ This Weekend
One of the best parts of a vacation is being able to disconnect. Reduce your screen time and recreate that feeling at home by taking a device vacation.