Trevor Craig
a food safety expert and corporate director of technical training and consulting at Microbac Laboratories
7 Picnic Food Safety Rules Experts Want Everyone to Follow
Want to ensure your picnic is absolutely perfect? Follow these six picnic food safety rules from experts so no one gets sick.

The 3 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Almond Milk Has Gone Bad, According to Food Safety Experts
Does almond milk go bad? The short answer is yes, according to a dietitian and food safety expert. But how fast depends on a few factors.

Storing Avocados in Water To Help Them Last Longer Is Actually a Huge Food Safety Hazard, Says the FDA
Discover why the the TikTok trend that recommends storing avocados in water is a huge no, according to the FDA and a food safety expert.

Here’s How Long Coffee Creamer (of Any Kind) Generally Lasts Opened and Unopened
Discover how long does coffee creamer last and ways to keep it fresher for longer, according to a food safety expert and an RD.

Ice Cubes (and Their Trays) Can Be a Breeding Ground for Bacteria—Here’s the Easiest Way To Avoid It, From a Food Safety Expert
A food safety expert shares why your ice cube tray can be a breeding ground for bacteria and how to clean an ice cube tray.