High-Low Training Is the Best Way to Get the Most Out of Your HIIT Workouts
Unlike circuits that alternate short bursts of high-intensity movement with rest, high-low HIIT training forces you to switch between high- and low-intensity intervals without taking a break in between. The result? An entirely different way to spike your heart rate.
"When you're combining both high intensity and low intensity intervals, you are essentially challenging your energy processes in your body," says FitHouse trainer Stefanie Brown. "During high intensity, you will feel your heart rate increase which then activates your anaerobic threshold, which is where you body burns what you consume for energy. During lower intensity, you might feel you are able to lower your heart rate and catch your breathe a little easier, which energizes your aerobic processes."
This mix of aerobic and anaerobic, she explains, is the ultimate format for toning your muscles and keeping your metabolism revved throughout your entire sweat session, which can be highly effective depending on what you're looking to achieve. If you want to build more muscle (as opposed to toning what you've already got), you may want to stick with the traditional method of full recoveries in between intervals.
To try a high-low HIIT routine for yourself, Brown recommends doing either 30 seconds of high intensity movements followed by 30 seconds of low intensity ones, or breaking it down to 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of high-low intervals. "To maintain high intensity I would refrain from intervals longer than a minute," she says, adding that you should aim to complete two to three rounds of each exercise.
A move is usually considered "high intensity" if it requires some form of impact, a la jumping, or utilizes multiple muscle groups. Low intensity moves, on the other hand, tend to be slower and more targeted. To help you structure your own version of a high/low HIIT workout, alternate between any of the movements below, or try some of your other tried and true favorites at either end of the spectrum.
High/low HIIT routine
High Intensity: Mountain Climbers
Low Intensity: Plank hold
High Intensity: Burpee
Low Intensity: Lateral Lunge
High intensity: Push-ups
Low Intensity: Side Plank
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