While you may already know what chakras are—the energy centers of the body derived from ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas—understanding the meanings behind their respective chakra colors can help you visualize and balance them more effectively. If they’re blocked, you’ll know it—there’s an excess or absence of certain areas of yourself. Not to worry if they’re imbalanced. You can use color and sound therapy to activate your chakras.
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founder and chief practitioner of The Juhi Ash Center in New York City
celebrity chef, certified nutritionist, and Reiki master
spiritual guide, yogi, Reiki energy healer, and mindfulness facilitator
sound healer and Reiki practitioner
Tapping into the colors of each chakra—which runs vertically from the base of the spine to the crown of the head—can help you connect with and understand their unique vibrations. “The knowledge that our individual realities are influenced by the things we can observe is understood through the colors of the rainbow (and the chakras) that have been a gateway to quantum healing throughout history making the seemingly mundane, magical, and the magical seem mundane,” explains spiritual guide and astrologer, Jana Stern.
Ahead, we break down the seven different chakra meanings and colors so you can reap the benefits of aligning your entire energetic rainbow.
What are chakras?
According to the Indian scripture Vedas (from which the seven chakras derive), chakras are energetic centers that flow to and from our bodies. The seven different chakras function like wheels (in fact, chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel”), and they’re in constant motion, says herbalist, acupuncturist, and Ayurvedic expert Juhi Singh, MA, founder and chief practitioner of The Juhi Ash Center in New York City. “Each one is linked with a color that is akin to the vibration or frequency of the chakra,” she says.
“Each [chakra] is linked with a color that is akin to the vibration or frequency of the chakra.”—Juhi Singh, MA, Ayurvedic expert
In general, it’s the speed and rate at which all of your chakras spin that has an effect on the overall balance of your chakras. “The circulation of energy in each of our chakras then influences our physical and mental well-being by way of stimulation or inhibition,” says Reiki practitioner and nutritionist Serena Poon, CN. In other words, if one of your seven chakras is spinning out of sync or is otherwise off-balance, the effects could ripple into other areas of your life, as well.
What do the seven chakras represent?
The seven chakras represent different energy centers of our body that run up the length of our spine, and each is associated with specific organs and aspects of our spiritual selves. The chakras are accompanied by seven different chakra colors, each aligning with the area of the body or spirit that the chakra represents.
“The higher chakras are associated with etheric elements beyond time and space.”—Song Atthajaroon, reiki healer
Spiritual guide, Reiki healer, and mindfulness facilitator practicing in Rocklin, California, Song Atthajaroon explains that the lower three chakras are concerned with the physical self. As you traverse upward through the heart chakra—the middle chakra—you’ll eventually reach the upper chakras, which are concerned with your spiritual self. “The higher chakras are associated with etheric elements beyond time and space,” Atthajaroon says.
What are the seven chakra colors?
The seven chakra colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. These are the same seven colors that appear in a classic rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The seven chakra colors, however, are aligned in the opposite order of the ROYGBIV, beginning with violet at the crown chakra and ending with red at the root chakra.
“The chakras are assigned a color that vibrates at a particular hertz frequency which has a natural state of balance.”—Jana Stern, spiritual guide
Plus, Stern explains the chakras are aligned with sound, too. “The chakras are assigned a color that vibrates at a particular hertz frequency which has a natural state of balance, but can be influenced by outside exposures or experiences or even by memories to disrupt the natural alignment of the vibration,” says Stern. “When we talk about color therapy, we are using the beauty and science of color to help bring healing into our energetic and physical bodies.”
In order, the color and vibration of the chakras are as follows:
- Root – Red, 396 Hz
- Sacral – Orange, 417 Hz
- Solar Plexus – Yellow, 538 Hz
- Heart – Green and Pink, 639 Hz
- Throat – Blue, 741 Hz
- Third Eye – Indigo, 852 Hz
- Crown – Violet and White, 936Hz
The colors of the seven chakras carry the same energetic qualities that each chakra provides. “The higher chakras emit kind of an ultraviolet color, and lower chakras emit a more infrared color,” says Atthajaroon. “These colors correspond to energies in the aura.”
How to use crystals for chakras
Certain types of crystals have unique properties that can awaken the chakras or magnify their positive energies. Just as each of the seven chakras has a corresponding chakra color, they also have corresponding chakra crystals whose vibrational energy closely aligns with that of the chakra.
“Depending on the stone, it can help open up or heal certain chakras,” says Atthajaroon. “For example, a great chakra stone for healing the heart is rose quartz, and tiger’s eye is a great chakra crystal for opening the third eye. To connect with our crown chakra, amethyst or even clear quartz can be a great chakra crystal.”
If you are focused on awakening the chakras, try holding one of the chakra’s corresponding crystals over the area where that chakra lies or surround your space with multiple crystals that reflect and carry the chakra’s energy.
Ready to learn more about the chakras and their respective colors? Read ahead to explore each one, as explained by Reiki healers.
Each of the 7 chakras and chakra colors, explained:
1. Root chakra: Muladhara
Chakra color: Red
Chakra stones: Jasper, garnet, hematite, obsidian
Location: Base of your spine near your tailbone
Meaning: “This chakra represents your security and your power base,” Poon says. “It determines your ability to feel calm, safe, and grounded. It’s also from where you’re able to pull in energy and manifest your desires.”
Susy Markoe Schieffelin, a Los Angeles-based sound healer and Reiki practitioner, points out that the grounding, safety-enhancing vibes of the root chakra connect to real-life examples of the color red representing security. Take, for instance, a stop sign or red light. “These are symbols put into place to help bring our attention toward safety,” she says. “They tell us to slow down, to stop, and to be present.”
“Red has to do with our basic primal needs,” adds Atthajaroon. “Red represents qualities of being well-grounded, energetic, and strong-willed.”
Whenever you need an extra dose of grounding in your life, Schieffelin recommends focusing your attention on the root chakra and visualizing a red light in that region as you take a few deep breaths and say the affirmation, “I am safe.”
2. Sacral chakra: Svadhisthana
Chakra color: Orange
Chakra stones: Citrine, carnelian, amber
Location: Two inches below your belly button
Meaning: “This chakra represents and governs your emotional state and sense of creativity,” says Singh. And as such, it’s the source of sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, and self-expression, says Poon: “Often, the sacral chakra needs to be cleared of stuck energy from traumas and pent-up emotions in order to heighten your creativity and ability to express your truest self.”
Given that it exudes a feeling of warmth and excitement, the color orange is fitting for the sacral chakra. Similar to the root chakra, if you want to focus on sacral chakra healing, Schieffelin suggests envisioning orange light in that area of your body and, in this case, meditating on the affirmation, “I am creative.”
“Orange signifies someone who is adventurous, thoughtful, and considerate,” adds Atthajaroon.
3. Solar plexus chakra: Manipura
Chakra color: Yellow
Chakra stones: Pyrite, topaz, tourmaline
Location: Between naval and sternum
Meaning: The solar plexus chakra is indicative of personal power and willpower, self-esteem, confidence, and intellect more generally, says Schieffelin. As for its associated color, yellow, its connection is more symbolic—think of seeing a bright light, as in coming to a great idea or solution.
“The color yellow represents the ability to tap into the light of a thousand suns that exists within you,” Schieffelin says: “Focusing on the color yellow in the upper part of your abdomen can help you feel strong, confident, motivated, and powerful.” Poon adds that you can also eat yellow-colored foods to help you tap into the energy of this chakra.
“Yellow represents the energy of someone who is creative, relaxed, and friendly,” says Atthajaroon.
4. Heart chakra: Anahata
Chakra color: Green
Chakra stones: Rose quartz, emerald, amazonite
Location: Center of chest
Meaning: Although pink or red may be the first colors that come to mind when you think of the heart chakra, this energetic area is actually associated with green. But as you might imagine, the heart-centric themes remain: It’s the source of love, integration, and compassion, says Singh. And not just in a romantic sense, either. “This chakra also represents the ability to give and receive compassion, expansion, empathy, service, kindness, health, and healing,” Poon says. “In turn, we experience loss, regret, pain, low self-love, and low self-worth when this chakra is imbalanced.”
To strengthen your heart chakra and open yourself up to giving and receiving love, Schieffelin recommends a meditation where you envision your heart and imagine an emerald green light glowing around it.
“Green is associated with someone who is a social communicator and nurturing,” says Atthajaroon.
5. Throat chakra: Vishuddha
Chakra color: Blue
Chakra stones: Aquamarine, blue-lace agate, lapis lazuli
Location: Base of the throat to the center of the eyes
Meaning: “This chakra is all about self-expression and clear communication,” Schieffelin says. While a balanced throat chakra is linked with speaking and writing your truth, an imbalance can result in just the opposite. “People often hold back from true honesty for fear that they may face judgment or rejection,” says Schieffelin, which can be evidence of a blocked throat chakra and could even manifest in frequent coughing or other physical symptoms.
If you’re struggling to communicate effectively—or need an energetic boost to ask someone out on a date or send that email to your boss about a raise—consider placing a few throat chakra stones over your throat while you meditate. You can also nosh on blueberries and visualize a blue light surrounding your throat area, says Poon.
“Blue indicates someone who is intuitive, spiritual, and a freethinker,” says Atthajaroon.
6. Third-eye chakra: Ajna
Chakra color: Indigo or purple
Chakra stones: Blue tiger’s eye, amethyst, sodalite
Location: Center of the forehead between eyebrows
Meaning: In a general sense, the third-eye chakra is connected to subconscious knowledge and sensory perception, says Singh. “Purple is a very mystical and magical color that represents wisdom,” Schieffelin says. “The third eye is all about connecting to your intuition and inner vision. Having a clear and open third-eye chakra can help you to see the world in a whole new way.”
To help unleash this higher intellect, consider wearing the color of the chakra, practicing Kundalini yoga, seeking out sound healing (or conducting a sound bath at home), or adding frankincense essential oil to a diffuser or your next regular bath. “Indigo represents curiosity and spiritual connectedness,” says Atthajaroon.
7. Crown chakra: Sahasrara
Chakra color: Violet or white
Chakra stones: Amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone, selenite
Location: Two inches above the top of the head
Meaning: Unlike the other chakras, the crown chakra isn’t actually on or within your body. It’s located just above your head and “radiates infinitely upward and outward, connecting you to your soul, higher self, purpose, the universe, source and the divine,” Poon says. While its energy may be either bright violet or white, it’s always reflective of spirituality, enlightenment, and consciousness, says Singh.
Visualize that intense color permeating into that space and beyond it during your next meditation to access its powers and help rejuvenate both the mind and soul. “Violet or white depicts someone who is wise, intellectual, and independent,” says Atthajaroon.
How to use color to activate and balance the chakras
How do you awaken chakras?
Balancing the chakras, as stated earlier, has its perks, like harnessing feelings of abundance and enjoyment to its full capacity and nurturing your spiritual side. “We want to make sure that there’s flow through each of the chakras,” explains Atthajaroon, “so that there’s balance in different areas of our life.” Awakening chakras can help you discover which chakras may be blocked and reveal the areas of your life that need extra attention and healing.
According to Atthajaroon, meditation is a great starting point to opening up and balancing your chakras. “Meditation is a great way to get started,” says Atthajaroon. “Try breathing into the different chakras or areas [of the body].” As you meditate, visualize your chakras as a funnel opening and closing, breathing life and positive energy throughout your body. Surround yourself with or wear the chakra colors and chakra stones that correlate with the chakra you’re focused on awakening.
Because color (and light) have a corresponding frequency, you can use both as a method to activate and balance the seven chakras. This can be as tangible as wearing certain colors, painting, and decking out your space with color. “We can paint, draw, and collage or any other form of artistic expression using the colors of the chakra(s) that we are hoping to activate,” says Stern.
Similarly, you can use sound to align with the frequency of a given chakra. “This might look like using tuning forks, playing sound bowls, listening to solfeggio frequencies, or even humming, singing, or chanting,” adds Stern. Pro tip: incorporating these sounds while meditating can help calibrate chakras and bring awareness to what chakras need extra TLC.
What happens if seven chakras are activated?
Activating all seven chakras promotes balanced physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. “If all seven [chakras] were to be activated at the same time we would be living a peaceful life in harmony with all that surrounds us,” explains Stern. “Likely we would respond to outside stimuli with more patience and grace, and we would live in a state of near-perfect health.”
When seven chakras are activated, you feel at peace. You might feel confident in communicating with others (especially during tough conversations). Hobbies, work, and relationships may be more enjoyable. Your connection to the spiritual world may be at its maximum capacity—for example, you’re more intuitive, like having prophetic dreams or manifesting a lifelong dream.
The benefits of balancing chakras
The seven chakras are associated with different areas of our essence. When they’re imbalanced, or blocked, it’ll show up in various ways, such as how you express yourself, an excess or absence of libido, and the simple joys of enjoying life, to name a few.
According to Stern, balancing chakras can manifest as follows:
- Root chakra—Feelings of security and abundance
- Sacral chakra—Enjoyment of life without overdoing it
- Solar plexus chakra—Wisdom, decisiveness and assertion
- Heart chakra—Giving and receiving love unconditionally
- Throat chakra—Speaking with grace
- Third eye chakra—Receive messages from spirit as naturally as your other senses
- Crown chakra—Automatically balances out all the rest of your chakras
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