My Weekly Workout: Mike Patton
When Mike Patton got laid off from his futures' broker position at Bear Stearns in 2008, he imagined his next job would be in finance—not yoga.
But after finding peace and solace in yoga during the uncertainty of unemployment, the idea to open his own studio seemed natural.
And what a good idea it was. Patton is the founder of Yoga Vida, one of city's most quickly growing studios with two locations, and a dedicated following of young, fashionable yogis.
So you'd think that running a studio would mean that he can pop into a yoga class any old time during the day. But it turns out that being a healthy business owner, and being healthy, are both jobs.
Read on to find out what Patton does to keep fit during the day-to-day. —Jamie McKillop
Wednesday: Ran to the East River at 9:30 a.m. Did a loop on the water—longer than planned because it felt so damn good. Three miles. Saluted the sun rising a few times. Did a couple hand stands. Sat down on a rock. Did a little pranayama. Sat surprisingly still, overlooking the water for 15 to 20 minutes. Light jog home—one mile.
Thursday: Ran to the East River at 8:00 a.m. Two miles. Did a few sun salutations. Sat still on a rock for 15 minutes. Felt the sun. Mind was distracted—the drunk dude shouting didn’t help. Jogged to the Tompkins Square jungle gym, pull-up bar scene.
10 pullups, wide grip (slow up and down)
15 dips (with control)
10 reclining/hanging lateral rows (holding bar with legs up)
10 pullups (narrow grip)
15 dips, 10 leg raises, 10 oblique knee twists to each side, 15 dips, 10 leg raises on parallel bar (all in a row)
10 reclining/hanging lateral rows
Casual walk home. 6:00 p.m. Yoga Vida flow class. Felt great. Good sweat. In the thousands of yoga classes I’ve taken, I’m still surprised with how much better I feel after (and during) yoga than any other form of activity, other than surfing, maybe.
Friday: 7:30 p.m. Yoga Vida flow class. The teachers playlist wasn’t working. Initially a frustration, turned into an opportunity. It’s not often we get that much peace and quiet in NYC, especially on a Friday night, to listen to our breath.
Saturday: Ran errands at 10:45 a.m. Literally. 2.5 mile run to Bed Bath & Beyond. Bought a trash can and a few other domestic things, taxied home. One domestic trip away from turning into Frank the Tank. 7:00 p.m. Yoga Vida flow class. Felt strong. Mind was wandering more than normal during class. Trying to process and accept some of the shit life throws at us.
Sunday: Ran to the East River at 8:00 a.m. Mornings on a weekend are far more peaceful than the early morning on a weekday. 3 miles. 30-40 minutes of yoga, in the grass, by the water: sun salutations, a few warriors, some forward bends, some backward bends, a juicy headstand and blissful savasana—in the sun. 10 minutes of pranayama. 20 minutes of seated meditation.
Monday: 6:00 p.m. Yoga Vida flow class. Predictable. Great class. Detailed alignment instruction. Refreshing.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. yoga class with teacher trainees in our Teacher Training Program. It’s nice practicing with a bunch of people paying attention to every little detail the teacher instructs. And equally surprising how much tighter the body is in the morning, when it hasn’t had a whole day to get beat down and limber up.
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