Organic Avenue Launches New Summer Juices

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organic avenue new juicesOrganic Avenue just launched new summer juices and smoothies online and in its Manhattan and Southampton stores.

The new menu additions, created by Organic Ave's chef Peter Cervoni, include a pure Lemon Juice Shot ($2)—great for a morning alkalinity boost, and the cutely named Guaranimal Shot ($4), Guarana being a naturally caffeinated herb, also great for the a.m.

Back in stock is the seasonal whole Watermelon Juice, which includes the pressed seeds and rind ($12). I get a chi-cooling effect from drinking it—and am tempted to pour it into an ice cube tray and serve in a spritzer at tomorrow's BBQ.

But the one really calling my name is the Turmeric Tonic, which has lemon and ginger in it and just 1 gram of sugar. Well+Good factoid: Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant—and an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body cope with stress. We'll drink to that. —Melisse Gelula

Check out the new juices, shots, and smooties, at


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