This 16-Minute Pilates-Cardio Fusion Workout Efficiently Combines Modalities To Maximize Benefits
"Today we're gonna do some high-intensity Pilates moves to get the heart rate up and get a little bit sweaty, but at the same time, strengthen with all those beautiful Pilates principles," de Winter says. "We're going to go 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest for most of these exercises and have a bit more of a break in the middle, [between the two rounds]. Don't worry, I'll talk you through the whole thing—it's gonna be a lot of fun!"
The fast-moving (and yes, fun!) routine she then demos is low-impact but high-intensity—it's kind of like a typical mat Pilates workout on fast-forward so that each move adds cardio benefits—e.g. improving lung function, increasing heart strength, and maximizing the efficiency of your skeletal muscles—to the muscle-building benefits inherent to most Pilates moves.
- Chloe de Winter, physiotherapist, master Pilates instructor, and founder of Go Chlo Pilates
If you're looking to maximize the limited time you have each day to dedicate to your fitness regimen, or you just need a spoonful of, say, strength training mixed in with your cardio (and vice versa), press play on the video above to enjoy a hybrid creation that leaves no body part behind in terms of benefits.
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