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These days, dating apps give swipers access to a potential partner’s zodiac signs, drinking and drug use frequency, political affiliation, relationship structure preferences, and sometimes even kinks (shout-out Feeld) to parse out compatibility. Sometimes, people will even list their Myers-Briggs personality type in the description. While some people might overlook these four little letters in a dating bio, your MBTI can give useful insights into your romantic goals and interests. In fact, you can even determine a person’s sex preferences based on their Myers-Briggs personality type.
Experts in This Article
psychotherapist and owner of New Jersey-based group private practice Anchor Therapy
sexologist and host of the podcast Sex With Dr. Jess
certified sex therapist and social worker who specializes in Myers Briggs
founder and psychotherapist with NY Therapy Practice in New York City
Quick refresher: The Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality-type quiz based on Carl Jung’s theories of psychology. It gives individuals one of 16 different types, based on four specific dichotomous pairs: extrovert (E) or introvert (I), sensing (S) or intuiting (I), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or perceiving (P). The Myers-Briggs test is designed to help a person understand their personality, preferences, and potential strengths and weaknesses in everything from school to work, relationships with family and friends, and even love and sex, explains Courtney Glashow LCSW, a psychotherapist and founder of Anchor Therapy in Hoboken, NJ.
Whether you’re single or partnered, sexually active or celebrating, learning your sex preferences based on your Myers-Briggs personality type can give you valuable insights into your needs, wants, and behaviors in the bedroom, says Glashow. This may also help individuals embrace and shed shame around their sexual preferences, adds psychotherapist Kim Hertz LCSW-R with NY Therapy Practice in New York City. “In mainstream culture, it is taboo to talk openly about sexual preferences and experiences, which can lead to feelings of sexual shame,” she says. Reading up on your sex preferences based on your Myers Briggs type can help individuals see that they aren’t alone in their desires, which can reduce stigma and increase a sense of connectedness, she says.
If you have a partner, Glashow says that knowing their sex preferences based on their Myers-Briggs type can help you better understand them as well as where you are compatible and less compatible, which can lead to more fulfilling relationships, she says. Notably, even if you’re single and not dating, Hertz suggests reading all the Myers-Briggs sex personality types. “Reading about types other than your own can also be a fun and risk-free way to learn about the diversity of sexual experiences,” she explains. With that, read on to learn your sex preferences based on your Myers-Briggs personality type, as well as your partner’s or potential partner’s sex preferences.
Can your Myers-Briggs personality type determine your sex style?
Understanding your sex prefrences based on your Myers-Briggs type can be helpful in recognizing your sex style; however, it does not determine your sexuality—no single thing does, says Glashow. “Your sex style and sexual preferences are influenced by a number of factors, including cultural background, upbringing, past experiences, mental health, physical health, relationship dynamics, personal values, hormonal changes, life stage, and the norms of the society you live in as well as those you have lived in,” she says. Age, sex, gender, marital status, race, disability, and sexually transmitted infection status also play a role in sex style, per research published in the journal Electron Physician1.
“Being more seductive starts with building confidence in yourself and your sexuality.” —Courtney Glashow LCSW, a psychotherapist and founder of Anchor Therapy
In practice, this means that two people could have wildly different sex preferences based on their Myers-Briggs type, even if they have the same MBTI. It also means that the Myers-Briggs personality test is not an adequate way to suss out sexual compatibility between lovers or potential bed-mates. Relationship expert Jess O’Reilly, PhD, a resident sexologist with We-Vibe and host of the Sex With Dr. Jess podcast explains that two people might have Myers-Briggs personality types that suggest they might be open to trying new things in bed; in reality, though, those two people may not be sexually compatible. For instance, one might be interested in watersports and spit play, while another is drawn into rope and sensation play. In other words, your sex preferences based on your Myers-Briggs type are not set in stone.
As you read the blurbs about sex preferences based on Myers-Briggs personality types below, remember that these are neither prescriptive nor scriptural. Really knowing your own sex style is going to require continued self-reflection, says Dr. Jess. And understanding your sexual partner’s style in bed is going to require you to have ongoing conversations about wants, needs, preferences, and desires, she adds.

What is the ISFJ sex style?
Odds are decent that your serial monogamous friend is an ISFJ. This type, after all, would much rather settle down with one partner than play the field. As far as sex is concerned, this type loves connecting with their partner. Feeling at home in their arms is exactly where ISFJs want to be, so cuddling sex positions probably make a regular appearance. Known as The Defenders, this steady and responsible type typically finds what they like in bed and then sticks with it, which sometimes can mean that they’re not super-adventurous in bed. For these folks, trying things like shower sex, lifted missionary, and flavored lube can be non-intimidating ways to spice things up.
What is the ESFJ sex style?
Known to be loyal caregivers, ESFJs really enjoy sex within the scope of a relationship. When committed, this type will do whatever it takes to please their partner, as they are very giving lovers. That said, this type is also known to follow their emotions. Because they view sex as a sign of your feelings in a given moment—and are usually down to explore those feelings physically—they occasionally end up having one-night stands or unintended flings. Like anyone who occasionally (or frequently!) has casual sex, people with The Consul personality type would be wise to get comfortable talking about safer sex practices, plus engaging in aftercare with people who they aren’t officially in a relationship with.
What is the ISTJ sex style?
In one word, an ISTJ’s sexual style can be described as shy. Or, at least it is during the initial stages of a courtship. They don’t favor flings and prefer to get to know a person intellectually and emotionally before opening up sexually. Once they do have sex, however, they are givers with a capital G. They are very concerned with their partner’s satisfaction, and will go to extra lengths to ensure they help them achieve it. They also tend to believe that sex improves with time, and that it requires work to maintain a long-term sexual connection with your partner. The good news? The Logisticians are absolutely willing to put that work in.
Given their desire to please their partners, sometimes The Logisticians get so caught up in their partner’s orgasm (or lack thereof) to their detriment. As such, expanding their definition of sex and learning about the orgasm imperative, outlined in this 2015 study2, can be helpful for this type.
What is the ESTJ sex style?
It should come as no surprise that this Myers-Briggs type, known as The Executives, don’t typically like to beat around the bush in bed. Instead, ESTJs are known for being assertive and direct about what they want when it comes to sex. It is common for this type to request trying new toys, advanced sex positions, or new kinks, as they tend to be exploratory in the bedroom when they’re feeling especially turned on. However, these lovers are usually happy to stick to their partner’s favorite positions so that sex is mutually agreeable. While there is no need for them to go outside of their sexual comfort zone, it may be fun for this type to explore being less dominant in small ways—like trying sex positions that put their partner in charge.

What is the ESFP sex style?
Meet one of the most sexually open-minded Myers-Briggs types: ESFPs. Known as The Entertainer, this type is extremely passionate and down to treat the bed as their sexual playground. On the relationship front, ESFPs can enjoy flings and relationships alike. Altogether, sometimes they end up developing feelings for someone when it’s just meant to be casual. In general, this type can get themselves into trouble when they say “Yes” without really thinking about it. Of course, anyone can say “no” at any point during sex, even after previously consenting. But for these folks, writing out their sexual boundaries and making a yes-no-maybe list with their partner(s) can be a helpful way to keep from getting in over their head (and body).
What is the ISFP sex style?
Also known as Adventurers, ISFPs like to explore new people—mentally, physically, and sexually. As a result, despite being on the introverted side, this Myers-Briggs type typically dates around. ISFPs are unlikely to experience peak physical pleasure, though, until they’re in a relationship with someone they trust. In fact, while they enjoy dating as a pastime, they often have trouble orgasming with new partners. When this Myers-Briggs type is plagued by blue vulva, they may find it helpful to incorporate vibrators and mutual masturbation into sexual situations, as they are more likely to lead to orgasm.
What is the ESTP sex style?
ESTPs are a passionate, sensuous, and adventurous type. They love to flirt and explore sexual opportunities as they arise while they are single, which they often are. As it goes, Entrepreneurs don’t often seek out committed relationships, in part because they tend to be busy with careers and travel. Still, when they do stay with one partner for a long period of time, they are often surprised by the realms of their sexuality that are uncovered, that they didn’t previously know existed. Trust, stability, and familiarity lead ESTPs to embrace even more passion and adventure in the bedroom. Working to build those elements with partners can enable this type to obtain the adventure they seek from life, in love.
What is the ISTP sex style?
If you want to go to be with or be in a partnership with an ISTP, it might take a little work on your part. This type tends to be so busy exploring the world around them that they don’t always pick up the flirts you’re putting down. They often have to be pursued a little. That said, when someone does make an obvious move on ISTPs, they tend to respond enthusiastically. Sexually speaking, ISTPs see sex with someone new as a problem set that needs to be figured out. What turns them on? What turns them off? What types of touch do they like and where? How can I keep the flame alive? These are some of the questions that often go through ISTPs’ heads when they are with new or long-term lovers. ISTPs might benefit from meditating before sex or practicing tantra, as both of these things can help them get out of their head and into their body.

What is the ENFP sex style?
ENFPs are creative and enthusiastic lovers. They enjoy figuring out their new partner’s hot spots, pressing and pleasing them over and over again. The fact that they are never at a loss for ideas and positions to try comes in handy here. While ENFPs may have great sex during one-night stands, they actually thrive in committed relationships. Long-term relationships often create a container for these folks wherein they feel emotionally taken care of.
Called Campaigners, this Myers-Briggs type always has something new in their sexual tool-kit that can make sex feel its best for them and their partners. Sometimes, however, this type of desire to try new things can keep them from having sex at all when they don’t have the energy to innovate. It can be helpful for this type to remember that sometimes sex is just “okay” and that is perfectly normal!
What is the INFP sex style?
Sex preferences for INFPs operate on two levels: the here and now, and the deep and passionate. This type is happy to engage in no-strings casual sex, so long as the other person (or people!) is kind, considerate, and giving. However, they are most at home in a relationship when they can attach feelings to the act itself. When in a relationship, Mediators make physical connection a crucial part of relationship maintenance. That’s good news for the partners of INFPs as this type loves making sure their partner is satisfied. Given that this type can be on the quiet side and loves pleasing their partner, it’s important for them to make sure they’re communicating about their needs, too.
What is the ENFJ sex style?
Commitment is the name of the game for ENFJs. Also known as The Protagonists, these peeps love being in committed long-term relationships and they rarely seek sex outside a stable relationship—even when single. When this type is bonded, their secret sensual side tends to come out while copulating. They also tend to make a lot of time for sex, which they view as an opportunity to care for the needs of their partner, learn more about them, and show love—all wrapped into one. For single ENFJs, it is important to remember that sexual pleasure can be achieved on their own. Meanwhile, for partnered ENFJs remembering that their pleasure is just as important as their partner’s is key for sustaining a sexual connection.
What is the INFJ sex style?
If you’re partnered with an INFJ, consider yourself lucky. These sensitive souls are known for being selective about their sexual partners. When this type does deem someone worthy of their care, affection, and community, however, INFJs fall hard, deep, and fast. Because of this, they tend to wait until they’re sure about their partner’s feelings before taking a physical step as they know that sex can quickly lead to long-term emotional commitment. For Advocates, as they are also known, sex tends to get better and better over time. The more comfortable they get in a relationship, the more they let their wildest side out in the bedroom. Given the connection between comfort and sex for INFJs, these folks’ sex lives usually benefit from other connective activities like date nights.

What is the INTJ sex style?
Dubbed The Architects, this type likes building with their lovers. Sure, they might embrace the occasional fling, but they prefer to explore their sexual side within a committed relationship. Why? Well, for INTJs consistency is essential to discerning likes and dislikes, and relationships afford just that. Known for being problem-solvers, INTJs treat sex much as they treat everything else in their life: Like a problem that needs to be solved. At its best, this can lead this type to be inquisitive about their partner’s body and lead to lots of sexual exploration in the bedroom. However, sometimes an INTJ’s approach can make their partner feel like they are “problems” rather than “people.” This type can circumvent this issue by engaging in things like eye-gazing, pillow talk, and sex journaling.
What is the ENTJ sex style?
ENTJs tend to have a bit of a one-track mind in bed, preferring to really get to know one sexual partner for lengths at a time, rather than juggling multiple partners. This stands, even when the relationship is casual or currently not defined. Known as The Commanders, this type tends to be dominant and direct in bed and initiate more than they passively receive. However, with significant others, they may let out a secret sensitive side where they receive both romantic and sexual care. Some ENTJs may find themselves interested in BDSM, as it can marry a desire for Dominance and passion all at once. Learning more about healthy BDSM, attending kink workshops, and taking the BDSM test are good starting points.
What is the INTP sex style?
INTPs love a friends-to-lovers pipeline. They need to have a foundation of friendship and companionship if they’re going to feel truly comfortable getting physical. Before bedding buddies, of course, this type would be wise to make sure everyone is on the same page. While INTPs atend to like both casual and relationship sex, but not everyone does. Known as logicians, this type is very inventive and creative and loves coming up with new positions to explore. Though, mental engagement is paramount to these lovers so sometimes the pillow talk afterward is the best part for you. Everything you do must have some type of mental engagement.
What is the ENTP sex style?
Well-versed in banter, wit, and humor, ENTPs are well-known flirts. They are equally comfortable, however, in serious relationships as they are in casual ones, so long as their partner is down to get deep. In bed, Debaters are very giving. They only feel as happy as long as their partner is satisfied, though they love getting off for the sake of it, too. They don’t take sex too seriously and prefer to see it as a fun way to enjoy someone (new or familiar), and as a supplement to the relationship they are developing or nurturing. In the event that giggles make their way into this type of sex scene, as they often do, it’s important that ENTPs assure their partner they aren’t laughing at them.
Which MBTI enjoys sex the most?
There is no correlation between someone’s Myers-Briggs personality type and how much they enjoy sex, according to experts. “Sexual enjoyment starts with the ability to have open and honest communication with your partner(s),” says Glashow. So, it stands to reason that anyone with sound communication skills can have enjoyable sex—no matter which of the 16 personality types they are. “One way to make sex more satisfying is sharing your desires, boundaries, and preferences, which can lead to a more satisfying and intimate experience,” says Glashow. Working with a sex therapist can be useful in helping you do this, as can reading Come Together by Emily Nagoski, PhD, listening to sex podcasts, and making a yes-no-maybe list.
“Getting to know your own body can also heighten the potential for sexual pleasure,” adds Dr. O’Reilly. There’s really no better way to explore your body than on your own, which is why she suggests mindful masturbation. “Touch yourself for pleasure without trying to reach orgasm. Simply explore and tune in to the texture, contours, temperature, and sensations from head to toe,” she says. Whether you’re highly experienced or brand new to sex, a slow, mindful exploration can help you discover new pathways to pleasure of all kinds, which you can then introduce into partnered settings to make sex more enjoyable.

Which MBTI is the most seductive?
Broadly speaking, extroverts—or those with E as the starting letter of their personality type—are more innately seductive than those who are introverted. That’s because the majority of extroverts report feeling confident verbally expressing gratitude and giving praise, which is a key component of seduction, according to 16Personalities.com. Extroverts are also known to take initiative, work a room, and have outgoing energy, which is well-suited for luring in a lover.
That said, becoming more seductive is a skill that anyone can learn. “Being more seductive starts with building confidence in yourself and your sexuality,” says Glashow. Masturbating, pole dancing, practicing tantra, looking into a vagina mirror, and giving yourself a yoni massage are just some of the things that can all help with this. “Paying attention to the other individual’s body language, making eye contact, and using playful, light-hearted communication is also helpful,” says Glashow. “Genuine compliments and gentle teasing can also add to the seduction.”
Remember: Consent is a prerequisite for any sexual interaction. So, as you’re seducing someone it’s essential to make sure you’re not causing discomfort to those around you or otherwise crossing their boundaries, says Glashow. Similarly, explicit verbal consent is a must anytime your dynamic shifts from seducer-and-seducee to full-blown lovers. As she puts it, “The most important ingredient in seduction is respecting your partner’s boundaries and comfort levels.”
What is the most romantic MBTI?
Common sense says that Feelers—those with an F in their MBTI line-up—are more romantic. “People who are romantic are known to show genuine care and appreciation for their partner,” says Glashow, often by planning dates, expressing affection physically and verbally, giving small gifts (even outside of holidays), and doing acts of service. There is a lot of cross-over in the “romantic” and “Feeler” Venn diagram, as Feelers are known to follow their hearts and emotions and display their love in both small and over-the-top ways, according to 16Personalities.com.
Of course, anyone can act romantic. “Being romantic is about making your partner feel special and cared for and consistently showing them genuine care and appreciation,” says Glashow. This can be achieved by listening to your partner’s needs and desires and making an effort to meet them, as this will show that you value and care about the health and longevity of the relationship, she says. “Thoughtful gestures such as leaving sweet notes, planning surprise dates, and simply spending quality time together can also be seen as romantic,” she adds. Notably, what qualifies as romantic varies from person to person, so it’s possible for both Feelers or Thinkers to be romantic in ways that are immediately discernible to their partners. So, if you’re interested in ramping up the romance in your life, you might consider asking the people you want to romance what makes them feel most cared for.
What is the flirtiest MBTI?
Sorry, but none of the Myers-Briggs types gets bragging rights on this one—none of the MBTI personalities are especially flirty. “There is no given Myers-Briggs type that is known for being the flirtiest,” according to certified sex therapist and social worker Joni Ogle LCSW who specializes in Myers-Briggs. “These things can be attributed to an individual’s personality and behavior choices, rather than to their MBTI type.” The good news is that means that people with any of the different Myers-Briggs types have the capacity to be flirtier. How? Working on your overall self-confidence and easing up on your fears of rejection are good places to start, per Glashow. Learning your flirt type, sex initiation style, and sexual styles may help, too.
Final thoughts on Myers-Briggs sex personalities
Overall, taking the Myers-Briggs personality test is a good opportunity to self-reflect. Meanwhile, reading about your type—including what it may mean for your romantic relationships and sexual styles—can be a fun framework for thinking about your sexual desires, proclivities, and preferences. However, sexual preferences are highly personal and your MBTI alone will not determine how you approach sexual situations. So, reading about your sex preferences based on your Myers-Briggs type can be an enjoyable pastime, but really understanding your sexual preferences is likely going to require some serious solo time, self-analysis, and communication.
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Frith, H. (2015). The Orgasmic Imperative. In: Orgasmic Bodies. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137304377_2
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