What’s in a name? For some almost-vegans, labels are important, and they now have a new one: veggans.
Veggans follow a vegan diet that incorporates eggs, but still excludes other animal and dairy products (as opposed to the vegetarian diet, which is dairy-friendly). “Veganism may be appealing to people, but many find that it is too restrictive,” Alissa Rumsey, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told Yahoo Health.
After all, eggs are a good source of iron, protein, vitamin D, and vitamin B12, all of which can be lacking in a traditional vegan diet, New York City registered dietitian Jessica Cording told Yahoo Health. And they're wonderfully Instagrammable (#yolkporn).
Which might explain why vegganism already has a firm foothold on social media: According to Yahoo Health, there are 5,100—and counting—#veggan posts on Instagram.
Whether or not you've used the hashtag, is the veggan lifestyle for you? Or is there another hybrid approach to eating that you've adopted? Share your own term in the comments below! —Alison Feller
For vegan (and raw) dishes even an egg-lover can appreciate, check out these delicious recipes (including go-tos for busy weeknights) from This Rawsome Vegan Life's new cookbook.
(Photo: Foodies Feed)
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