Mercury retrograde may be over (phew!), but you’ll still find yourself in a reflective mood in your weekly horoscope for September 1 to 7, 2024 thanks to a few other retrogrades going down this week.
The week starts off with Uranus going retrograde in Taurus on September 1. When rebellious change-maker Uranus pivots directions in the sky, it encourages you to reflect on risks you want to take, situations and people that leave you feeling confined and restricted, and your own evolution. You could learn surprising news today or have a breakthrough. Expect for some last-minute surprises to pop up throughout your day.
On the same day, Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn for the last time in your lifetime. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 (!), and this marks its final tour before it re-enters Aquarius on November 19, where it will remain until 2043. Pluto’s movement into Capricorn asks you to confront power struggles and fears regarding the past, tradition, history, and your legacy. Are you working toward goals that are authentic to you, or are you living to please someone else?
Once Mars enters Cancer on September 4, you’ll be acting based on instinct. But you might also bottle up your frustrations, so find a healthy outlet for your anger.
Healing conversations unfold on September 2 when Mercury in Leo mingles with Chiron in Aries. Friendships and relationships benefit from being vulnerable with one another and asking for support. On the same day, there’s a new moon in Virgo, which invites you to change up your habits and come up with a plan for your future. It’s the tiny tweaks you start to make today that will ultimately bring about the biggest shifts and results you desire.
Also on September 2, Mars in Gemini slams into Neptune in Pisces to stir up confusion. You may also feel low energy, or caught up in some anxious thoughts. This is a healthy day to process your emotions through a creative outlet. The next day on September 3, Venus in Libra syncs up with the south node (a point in the southern hemisphere where the moon and sun’s orbits intersect that represents karma and past life experiences). The potent connection urges you to release old relationship attachments that have run their course.
Mars, the planet of anger and action, enters Cancer on September 4. The next few weeks, you’re acting based on your instincts and feelings. You’ll also feel more called to defend and protect those you love. Mars in Cancer can also have you bottling up your frustration and lead to passive-aggressive behavior, so be proactive and find a healthy outlet for your anger. (Boxing class, anyone?) Mercury in Leo bumps into Uranus in Taurus on September 6, making interactions and conversations odd, inspiring, or jarring.
The week wraps up with the Sun in Virgo locking eyes with Saturn in Pisces on September 7. This marks a moment of maturity, responsibility, and possibly sacrifice. You could step into a role that requires more commitment on your end, like a promotion, or agreeing to care for a loved one going through a hard time. This can also bring up feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism. Be gentle with yourself and know this heavy energy will pass in a few days time.
Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full September 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope.
Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from September 1 to 7, 2024
- Sunday, September 1: Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus
- Sunday, September 1 Pluto re-enters Capricorn
- Sunday, September 1: Moon enters Virgo
- Monday, September 2: Mercury in leo trine Chiron in Aries
- Monday, September 2: New Moon in Virgo
- Monday, September 2: Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces
- Tuesday, September 3: Venus in Libra conjunct south node in Libra
- Wednesday, September 4: Moon enters Libra
- Wednesday, September 4: Mars enter Cancer
- Friday, September 6: Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
- Friday, September 6: Moon enters Scorpio
- Saturday, September 7: Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces
Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for September 1 to 7, 2024

No more playing small, Aries! Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn on September 1, encouraging you to face your fears of sharing your gifts with the world. It’s time to confront any resistance you have toward soaking up some spotlight and compliments from others. Resist the urge to please others; enter your villain era if you have to! There is nothing wrong with celebrating yourself and how hard you worked to reach this point in your life.
You’re ready to release an old habit and embrace a new daily routine under the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Make a list of your morning and evening routine. Which patterns are going to help bring you closer to your goals, and which are keeping you stuck and stagnant? It’s time to make a change!
Brace yourself for family drama once Mars, the planet of frustration and action, enters Cancer on September 4. You may need to set boundaries with a roommate or family member, or perhaps someone close to you is going through a challenging time and needs more support. This is also a busy time with your living environment—maybe an old roommate is moving out, you’re considering moving, or just want to reorganize your space.

You’re ready to take a major personal risk, Taurus, once Uranus goes retrograde in your sign on September 1. You may have a revelation regarding a personal goal you’ve been working toward. It’s also possible you’re ready to debut a new side of yourself with your friends and family, whether it’s a bold tattoo sleeve or redefining your sense of self in an exciting and more authentic way!
It feels so good to live in the present moment and you’re ready to commit to making more time for hobbies and people who help you get there under the new moon in Virgo on September 2. You may also start creating art just for the sake of it or put yourself back out there in the dating world. Lucky news can also find you!
Conversations about your past can feel extra jarring or triggering when Mercury in Leo bumps into Uranus, in your sign, on September 6. It’s also possible that something from the past inspires you or helps you see a situation with a new perspective. Whatever you’re discussing, it can feel illuminating today, and can help you break free from old ideas and memories that keep you feeling stuck.

A breakthrough in your subconscious mind can leave you feeling a little more exhausted, Gemini, once Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. You may recognize a behavior that is more harmful than helpful—today is a powerful day to start breaking that habit.
There’s a new beginning in your personal life under the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Maybe you’re welcoming a new member to the family, moving, or just feel ready to release the past. You may also crave more solitude and time for rest. Cleaning your home and organizing your space can help clear up mental clutter, too.
Try not to overdo it when Mars, in your sign, slams into Neptune in Pisces on the same day. You might feel pulled in a million directions when all you want to do is focus on your needs and plans you had for the day. A situation at work or personal responsibility could require you to make a sacrifice. The energy is frenetic and scattered today, don’t push yourself too hard!

You might feel a little more jealous than normal, Cancer, once Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn on September 1. It’s time to confront any repressed feelings of jealousy, obsession, or toxic patterns in your close relationships. By being vulnerable and sharing some of your fears, you can grow closer with a lover or an important person in your life.
A perspective shift arrives under the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Conversations open up your mind and you’re also ready to make plans to go after some of your goals. If you’ve felt drawn to learn something new, this is a great time to sign up for an online course or weekend workshop.
Mars, the planet of motivation and anger, enters your sign on September 4, making you one of the main characters over the next few weeks! This gives you the energy to get a lot done. (You might be more prone to accidents, though, so keep that mile-a-minute energy figurative and not literal.) You’re also more protective of your personal time and not afraid to stand up for yourself.

You’re ready to head in a new direction, Leo, once Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. Surprising developments can take place in your professional life that inspire you to take a risk—maybe even pursue a different path altogether. The way you’re showing up today can surprise others, but the authenticity feels liberating to you.
New financial opportunities land in your inbox thanks to the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Maybe you’re applying for a promotion or are ready to launch a side business. This is also a lovely time to spoil yourself with something you’ve had your eye on and to rework your budget to help you feel more financially secure.
You’re taking risks that shock others when Mercury, in your sign, slams into Uranus in Taurus on September 6. This is a wonderful day for experimentation and leaving your comfort zone. Trying new things and resisting the urge to people-please can lead to unexpected breakthroughs regarding your personal and professional goals.

You’re feeling inspired by a new idea or concept, Virgo, when Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. Conversations can lead to personal breakthroughs and unearth a new perspective. You may also find a new subject that captivates you and makes you want to learn more. You’re in a risk-taking mood, and doing so can open up new doors and bring more excitement your way.
A new moon in your sign on September 2 encourages you to show up authentically. You’re ready to shed old versions of yourself and release any fears of going after who and what you desire. You’re feeling ambitious and ready to come up with a plan to go after new personal goals, as well.
Things are getting a bit more serious in your close relationships when the sun in Virgo stares down Saturn in Pisces on September 7. You may need to express your disappointment with someone, or remind a person of your boundaries. Themes in your relationships can feel a bit heavier and serious today, but help you better discern which connections will stand the test of time and are worth your investment.

You’re facing some of your fears from the past, Libra, when Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricron on September 1. It’s time to break cycles and address any toxic patterns that exist within your chosen family. You may also deal with power struggles in a close personal relationship, or move through a moment of intensity with a loved one. For some, facing these fears will bring you closer together and transform your connection—ultimately for the better.
A new moon in Virgo on September 2 reminds you that rest is necessary! If you want to continue working toward your goals and juggling all of your other commitments along the way, you need to have a healthy relationship with rest and solitude. This is an aligned time to come up with a spiritual practice that winds you down at night or keeps you grounded and mindful.
You’re breaking away from old, significant relationships or relationship dynamics on the same day when Venus, in your sign, meets with the south node, also in your sign. This is a moment of karmic release and surrender. You may choose to break up with a lover or acknowledge the ways in which you give your power away in some of your connections. It’s time to prioritize your needs in your relationships.

Your relationships undergo a major shake up, Scorpio, when Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. You could leave a long-term job on a whim, or receive news of a surprising opportunity that expands your horizons. Couples may also do something drastic, like eloping, breaking up, or trying something new that pushes them outside of their everyday comfort zone. Singles could also meet someone intriguing out of the blue!
A new moon in Virgo brings a new friendship into your life on September 2. If someone asks you to attend a random event, now’s the time to push past any antisocial feelings and take a risk. You could meet someone who you really vibe well with, or a new contact who helps you feel more excited and inspired about some of your dreams.
What you choose to share on September 6 leaves others feeling shocked and rattled when Mercury in Leo bumps into Uranus in Taurus. You might make a sudden decision regarding your career path, or choose to share a secret with your friends. Exciting developments can also unfold with your professional contacts, too.

It’s time to change up your daily routine, Sagittarius, when Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. If there’s a vice you know isn’t good for you, this is the day to finally make a change. You may also feel called to re-prioritize your commitments. Ask yourself: Where do you want to be six months from now? And what will help you get there? Adjust accordingly.
You may grieve a friendship or the loss of a professional contact when Venus in Libra syncs up with the south node in Libra on September 2. Some of your relationships are evolving, and all you can do is surrender to the karmic shifts around you. An old co-worker may also resurface with a tempting offer. Use your discernment before jumping at the bait! Is this opportunity really in alignment with what you desire in your future?
On the same day, a new moon in Virgo ushers in a fresh start for you. You’re in a goal-setting mood and this is an aligned time to work on a new manifestation. Maybe you want to go back to school, write a novel, or apply for a promotion. Think about your long-term goals and what’s going to help you get there. Visualize your future self accomplishing your goals, and start to craft a plan to make it happen.

It’s time to face your fears of being seen, Capricorn, when Pluto retrograde re-enters your sign on September 1. You’re wrapping up a major, 15-year cycle that broke down your fears and insecurities regarding your authenticity and true desires. This is the final push to show up fully as yourself and embrace your shadow side, as well as the desires you try to ignore or repress. Your transformation is almost complete!
You’re letting go of a dream that no longer feels aligned for you when Venus in Libra teams up with the south node in Libra on September 2. You’ve changed, and so have your goals and priorities. An important relationship may also evolve, or even exit your life. This isn’t the time to grasp onto people and situations. Trust the natural ebbs and flows of the Universe.
Your maturity is required on September 7 when the sun in Virgo sits across the sky from Saturn in Pisces. You may have to air your frustrations with someone, which can feel difficult and uncomfortable. If you’re feeling worn down, you may also need to ask for help or set clear boundaries to protect your time. Conversations can feel heavy, but ultimately bring relief.

You’re able to understand the past with a new perspective, Aquarius, once Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. You may be overdue for a big cry, and spending time reflecting on your past can be just the thing you need to process your feelings. You may also simply make a rash decision about your living environment, or learn something surprising about a loved one.
Trust and vulnerability are top of mind when a new moon in Virgo takes over the skies on September 2. One of your core relationships can deepen as you exchange secrets and share new parts of yourselves with each other. Practically, a new contract or financial opportunity may land in your inbox, or perhaps you’re making a dent in paying off your credit card.
You’re letting go of a stubborn belief when Venus in Libra meets with the south node in Libra on the same day. Conversations you have with others today can shift your perspective or help you consider alternative points of view. This is also lovely energy for changing your own mindset, the way you speak to yourself, and reminding you what you’re truly capable of.

Your words might catch others off guard, Pisces, when Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus on September 1. Don’t shy away from speaking your truth to keep others comfortable. It’s also possible a new idea you want to chase after pops into your brain, and you might decide to change up your priorities to pursue it. News you learn today can feel enlightening, shocking, or liberating.
New relationships enter your life under the new moon in Virgo on September 2. Singles might be ready to get serious, or you could find a new business partnership that feels promising. Couples are focused on one another and ready to address any issues in their relationship to create a stronger foundation the future.
Things are heating up once Mars, the planet of motivation and anger, enters Cancer on September 4. The next few weeks you might funnel more of your energy into a creative project, personal hobby, or even dating. This is a sexy time to explore your kinks and desires, and your romantic life right now can be extra fruitful!
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