Whole Foods Now Stocks Starbucks’ Evolution Fresh Juice

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On Tuesday, Whole Foods began stocking Starbucks' Evolution Fresh juices, as well as a new line of snack bars called Evolution Harvest.

Whole Foods Evolution fresh
Evolution Fresh juices, which cost about $6, are now sold in Whole Foods.


On Tuesday, Whole Foods began stocking Starbucks' Evolution Fresh juices, as well as a new line of snack bars called Evolution Harvest. This means Evolution has joined the ranks of Suja and BluePrint in Whole Foods' cold-pressed coolers. (BluePrint, the first to appear on the mega-grocer's shelves, also makes BluePrint bars, so it looks like Evolution Fresh is looking to the pioneering brand's success for cues.)

According to the Wall Street Journal, Whole Foods will initially sell 12 Evolution Fresh juices (they are not 100 percent organic) and three Evolution Harvest snack bars, but the snack line will eventually grow to include trail mixes, freeze-dried fruit, and fruit snacks.

The move is part of a continuous effort by Starbucks expand into the healthy food market, which started back when Starbucks acquired Evolution Fresh in November 2011 (for $30 million, if you must know). Starbucks will also begin selling Evolution Harvest snacks in its cafes this fall.

By the end of this year, Evolution Fresh expects to be in 8,000 U.S. cafes and grocery stores, says the company, bringing the beverage giant one step closer to world domination. —Carla Vass

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