Shocker: the Most Sought-After Trait in a Date *Isn’t* Good Looks
Rating even higher than physical attraction, the survey found that most singles consider meaningful conversations the most important factor when looking for a healthy relationship. The bulk of the people surveyed not only are looking for someone they click with, they also want their potential partner to know how to communicate well: In fact, 58 percent of people say bad grammar is a deal-breaker, even more so than bad sex. (If that isn't motivation enough to proofread your messages before meeting IRL, I don't know what is.)
Speaking of messaging your match, the survey highlights another potential deal-breaker: leaving a message on "read" and not replying. Uhh spoiler alert: Virtually no one likes that.
The takeaway to scoring points with someone you like: Communicate promptly, using proper English. As for the chemistry part? Well, there's no cheat for that one.
Originally published on April 24, 2018; updated on August 23, 2018.
Here's how to stay happy, confident, and sane while online dating. Or, you can try to meet someone at the gym. Here's the verdict on if it actually works or not.
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